Looking for a way to virtually hang out with your friends and family for this Thanksgiving break? Play Meexarps on AirConsole.com! It's a party game where you a...
The hobby project my team and I have been working on for over a year is nearing completion! Check out our gameplay trailer And check out our website! https...
When making your first game, it's really hard to choose your first project. You’re going to have a lot of ideas and deciding which idea to commit to for a yea...
Time management for hobbies is really hard. In the grand scheme of things, there will always be things that come up: weddings; work; other projects (Oh man I of...
As far as I’m aware, there are two schools of thought when deciding a theme. An iterative strategy where you start with your first theme idea, then build a me...
If you asked me what is the one most important tool in gamedev, it wouldn't be Unity or Unreal or Godot. It would be git. If you play games like I do, you’ll...
When I set out to make Meexarps, I had a couple ideas. Some involved VR, some involved multiplayer. I was really interested in doing something innovative rather...
I don’t think I’m special. I’m just another 20 something year old guy trying to make his first game. I’ve learned some things along the way so I figured...